March 13, 2025

How much water should I drink?

water_drinking_wpHow much water should you be drinking on a daily basis?

A lot!

You may have read our recent blog on how this summer’s heat is getting pretty high up there!  So what does this mean to you?  It means that, besides having to make sure an Austin company takes care of your AC, you need to be watching your personal intake of water.  Additionally, for those with children, you need to keep an eye on the amount of water they are taking in.

You might be wondering precisely how much water you should take in.  It obviously varies for different individuals!  So how do you even know what ballpark figure of water needs to be taken into your body?  Here is a pretty handy calculator you can use.

After answering the ten question in the link above, how many liters of water did it speculate that you should be drinking every day?  If you’re anything like some of the people we know, the amount it told you to drink each day is much more than you have been.  The calculator is a pretty refreshing wake-up call!

You likely don’t need us to tell you the basics of how important water is for your body, but we’re going to toss out just a few key facts that you might find enlightening.

Pretty simple! As a caution, be aware that a few sources tell you that hydration calculators, though helpful, can never truly be an end-all formula.  People vary just too dang much to nail it down in a simple formula. This clinical site has the advice that you need to just stay safe and that there might not be a simple answer. That site also stresses not drinking all your required water in one go!  Bodies are not designed that way so space it out.

Our advice is to just be aware that you might not be taking in as much water as you should in these summer months and that

What are you going to do to stay cool this summer?  How are you going to ensure you and your family stay hydrated?  Most importantly, was that  water calculator link above helpful to you?

Sound off on our official Facebook page. We’ll be sending out cool advice all summer!  If you have a topic you want us to cover then please drop us a line on that Facebook page – we always enjoy hearing from you.