March 13, 2025

The History of AC part 1


Air conditioners are obviously important.  That’s a no-brainer.  But did you know just how important they’ve been to history?  As an Austin AC company, we would like to recommend for you to read some interesting fun facts about air conditioning units below.  You might end up with a greater appreciation of these magnificent devices.

What SEER Number Is Correct?


You may have heard of SEER.  It’s an important classification system that will tell you how much your current or future AC unit is going to be utilizing in way of resources. Simply put, SEER is a rating of efficiency.  Read on for more details!

It is AC Season!


What do we mean when we say “It’s Air Conditioning Season?”  Simple: it’s hot out here in the great state of Texas and the professionals in the cooling/heating industry can (and should) sometimes refer to this seasonal rush as “AC season.” June is here (that was quick!) and May already kicked off this current AC […]

The benefits of a Humidifier


We’re pleased to offer top notch humidifier installation!  This is something that usually peaks people’s interest in the Winter when they have a dried-out and heated room from their hot air being blasted to combat the cold outdoors.  But we’re here to tell you that humidifiers can be very pleasant and helpful during other seasons […]

Staying Cool This Summer (Besides Using An AC)


We’re the HVAC, AC, cooling and heating pros here in Austin.  We’re all about making sure you and your family are able to stay cool this spring and summer.  Besides fixing or installing an HVAC system for your home, we can also be helpful to you with some simple tips on keeping a chilled and […]