March 13, 2025

Willis Carrier


Where would we be without our valuable air conditioning?  That’s something many people don’t even want to think about in the middle of summer!  But where did AC truly start? For the uninitiated, it’s easy to see the Carrier logo and not necessarily think twice about it.  But did you know Carrier holds the crowning […]

The History of AC part 2


Do you remember our blog on the history of AC?  Well we’re back with the history of AC pt.2!  Though we covered lots of ground in the previous blog, there is still plenty more to go over when it comes to how notably historic AC has been. Before the 1902 invention of an Air Conditioning […]

The History of AC part 1


Air conditioners are obviously important.  That’s a no-brainer.  But did you know just how important they’ve been to history?  As an Austin AC company, we would like to recommend for you to read some interesting fun facts about air conditioning units below.  You might end up with a greater appreciation of these magnificent devices.